Harmony Revival Support provides help and support to those individuals who wish/need to be in a supported accommodation environment to maximise their potential and independence or for those who wish to continue living in their own homes.

- We empower service users to make choices through the expression of wishes, feelings and preferences, developing their right to self-determination.
- We adopt a person-centred approach, ensuring the best possible support for each service user, providing a service specific to the needs of the individual.
We offer person centred and bespoke care packages
- We assist service users in the development of their sense of identity and self-image and preserve their cultural and religious heritage.
- We offer consistent, unconditional care, enabling each service user to live in their own home and encourage positive relationships, mutual respect and trust with others.

We are a passionate and committed provider offering care and support services determined by individual needs.
- We support with daily living chores such as laundry, cooking, ironing etc
- Help at home such as social skills, social involvement, community activities.
- We support with dministrative tasks/form filling or letter writing.
- Support under direct payments such as managing finances, and budgets.
Stay In Touch
We believe in equality for all people and treat our staff with respect. This is why we have been able to retain our staff and our management team has been promoted within the company. We believe in supporting our care staff to develop themselves which in turn allows us to provide you with quality are. We aim to develop and grow the best possible team that will cater for your needs.
+44 7805 219 843
Harmony Revival Supported Living Services Limited